Amplificatiln: Abstinence can make a man successful - সংযমই পারে একটি মানুষকে সফল করতে৷

Amplification: abstinence can make a man successful

 "express your need with patience and salat, verily you will be given the suitable one for you"- Al Quran

In Quran, the best scripture believed the Muslim, Allah urges his servants to want whatever they need with patience. So it can be postulated the urge of patience and abstinence in our every steps of life. In many ways a man can get something more luxurious if he or she put it up with and trying his best. Focusing on the amplification of the stem, we have to talk about many perspectives related to our daily life.

A) being an applicant of any competitive test, you have to obtain abstenency otherwise avarice may take the control and you may lose the steering. In the very initial part of any competitive testing, you will be given a hundred question with 4 puzzlling options where from you are to choose the appropriate one. But most of the cases we fail to control our tendency to answer all the questions, a fact that causes scoring below standard. Intending to be successful in MCQ test we have to be abstinent.

B) from the down to dust many a student pursuing in different level of institution involve making cash money, a way of being self-dependent, omen that throws them out of the track. Despite having opportunities to earn money (a short amount) one should avoid grabbing the opportunity rather concentrating in a full swing in the main task- studying. But in many cases, we fail doing an integral part well chasing for something ancillary:Consequently,  aspirant focusing more than one goal at a time fails to reach the final destination. So one should concentrate on his own task in no time forgo everything alluring for a certain period.

Considering the above circumstances we can opine that abstinence can cause a great impact in a person's life.
Amplificatiln: Abstinence can make a man successful - সংযমই পারে একটি মানুষকে সফল করতে৷ Amplificatiln: Abstinence can make a man successful - সংযমই পারে একটি মানুষকে সফল করতে৷  Reviewed by সার্থান্বেষী on এপ্রিল ১৯, ২০২০ Rating: 5

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